Majengo Along Lalle Road, Soroti, Uganda

What we do

Committed to create resilient and healthy societies by promoting conservation and use of natural resources, engage in collaborative client driven research and enhance context based innovations and technologies development and advancement.

ATSI work center around the following themes .


Resilient and Sustainable livelihoods;

This embraces, Economic empowerment, Food and nutrition security, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, water hygiene and sanitation.


Research and innovations;

We promote Innovation platforms, Farmer research networks, adaptive and applied technologies for development and Technology development and promotion.


Advocacy, Lobby and good governance; ;

Our work in this area embraces, human and natural resource rights, participatory vulnerability and risks analysis and management, gender equity and empowerment and responsive governance.


Knowledge generation and management;

This involves, training and development, wide-scale consultancy services to private and government entities.

Recent Projects

Project Name Project Focus Areas Served Status
Utilisation of locally available resources for increased productivity of Cereal-legume cropping system in Eastern Uganda
Develop local bioinoculants/biostimulants for finger millet, Groundnuts and sorghum production
Harnessing small grain cereals and legume cropping systems to enhance food security and ecosystem resilience among smallholder farmers in the drylands of Uganda
Conduct On-farm trial and evaluation of sorghum multi-stress lines Conduct Stakeholders mapping and engagement for agroecology transisition Develop community seed access model Develop soil fertility and striga management packages
Soroti, Amuria and Bukedea
Building resilient Agroecological small grain cereal system in eastern Uganda.
Out scaling agroecology approach for management of soil fertility and striga weed Pilot labour saving technologies for inclusive small grain cereals productivity Pilot agroecolgical marketing models for small grain cereals seeds, grain and biofertilisers
Amuria Ngora Pallisa
Running (2022-2024)
Optimising the use of Bioinoculants; Their role in sorghum production and protection in Uganda and Tanzania.
Assess farmers management of organic nutrient resources for sorghum productivity Assess microbial functional performance of farm-made bioinoculants for sorghum growth Determine effect of farm-made bioinoculants for management of sorghum stem borers
Soroti (Ug) Pallisa (Ug) Singida (Tz)
Running (2023-2025)
Inclusive Learning, Co-creation and Sharing of knowledge on Transitioning to Agroecology catalyzed by access to markets
Co-create agroecology market models for economically viable agroecology transitions Foster market development for agroecology products
Soroti Bukedea Ngora
Running (2024-2025)
Harnessing the potential of locally-made bio-inoculants for improving the productivity of cereal-legume system of Teso sub region
Build capacity for farm-made bioinoculants production Support infrastructure development for production and utilization of farm-made bioinoculants Enhance University-community outreach through student on-farm research

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